We believe that in addition to quality products, the client should receive quality service. Since we produce everything ourselves, you will receive your order within 3-12 days from the date of payment.

Free worldwide shipping

We will print and deliver your wallpaper within 3-12 working days after receiving payment to anywhere in the world. Orders received after 2pm GMT+2 will be processed the next day.

Shipping cost is $45 for orders below $150.

Delivery times 3-12 days worldwide. We will keep you updated throughout the process and you will be able to track your order with DHL Express.

If you are located in remote parts of the world and you want to clarify delivery times or have any other questions, please contact us at info@walldecor.design.

We will always make sure that the order is securely sealed in a rigid package. Any damage to the packaging during transit must be noted upon delivery and signed as damaged. The customer is responsible for any customs duties and taxes levied at the point of entry into the destination country.

I've changed my mind, can I return the order and get a refund?

It is important to us that each of our customers be satisfied with our service and our products, so if you have any questions, just write to us at info@walldecor.design. Our team will consider all options and will definitely find a solution for each situation.

Custom orders are non-refundable. Wallpapers in standard sizes that are listed in our catalog can be returned within 30 days, read the detailed steps in the Refund policy.

Before paying for the order, you can always contact us with any questions. We will also prepare a layout for you so that you can be 100% sure that you will get exactly what you want. At this stage, we can make any changes, we will work for you! In addition, we will be happy to send you a print sample so that you can check the quality of materials and color vibrancy. Once the wallpaper has been printed, we will not be able to offer you a cancellation or refund.